Sunday, 11 May 2014

Smooth Saturday on the Airwaves

Much better conditions today than yesterday, so instead of static the ether is sizzling with fabulous Pirate signals! Smooth surfing to your favourite free station:

6285kHz: Radio Telstar International, 1813UTC, AM, 35433, Playing reggae mix, ID 1818UTC, good style and good music! :-) 10.5.2014

6450kHz: Studio 52, 1838UTC, AM, 24432, First playing polka, then "Camouflage". Signal not strong, but not much interference either, so quite readable! Forward, march, with a Can-Can-Polka! 10.5.2014

6325kHz: Rode Adelaar, 1905UTC AM, 43434, ID 1908UTC, continuing with Carma Chameleon. Nearly played a polka (yess!!!), but quickly changed to a slow song (pity! ;-) The Eagle flies on! 10.5.2014

6390kHz: Unid, 1915UTC, AM, 33434, Utility on 6392kHz so need to listen on LSB, which works well though! I Feel Love, great classic! ID 1921UTC but did not catch what it was. 10.5.2014

6201kHz: Radio Joey, 1925UTC, AM, 34434, Nice clear signal. Keep on Loving You, Driver's Seat, Don't Stop Thinking About Tomorrow. Good music and young sounding DJ! ;-) 10.5.2014

3905kHz: Radio Alice, 1952UTC, AM, 44444, Older songs, German I assume. Very clear audio and good modulation, a pleasure to listen! ID 2003UTC. 10.5.2014

6376kHz: Mustang Radio, 2009UTC, AM, 55445, Signal again like the transmitter would be on my roof… ;-) Showman Mustang plays techno! ID 2014UTC. 10.5.2014

6395kHz: Sluwe Vos Radio, 2040UTC, AM, 35434, … Like They Do on the Discovery Channel, ID 2044UTC, We Didn't Start the Flame War… Great Party Music, thank you Sluwe! :-) 10.5.2014


  1. Hello,
    6390 Was Radio Pluto.

    1. Hi Paul,

      Thank you for the good information! I have not heard Radio Pluto before. Very nice!

      All the best and good DX to you!
